Courtney's Corner

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

16 Weeks 4 days

16 weeks 4 days
Doctor appointment yesterday - measuring 17.5 cm, have gained five pounds, baby heart beat 160 bpm, blood pressure a little high but nothing too concerning.  Feeling good. Today I felt baby move on the outside of my tummy, have been feeling inside for about a week!

Going this weekend for a 3d to confirm it is a girl (my determination)! Will post pictures after!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grand Junction Trip!

What a fun place! We saw the water fountain, the mall play place, red lobster, walmart (of course), the peach farm, the vineyard concert, and swimming! Had a great time!!
Reagan testing the water

Starting to enjoy it!

Oh now this is fun!

Bryden's turn!

Oh Yeah!

They really got into it!

Ryker was soaking in ten minutes!

So was Bryden!

Really cool bike statue!

Reagan at the mall playplace.

Red  Lobster pulled lobsters out for the kids to touch.

Even Reagan got into it!

Ryker was tentative.

Bryden wanted to kiss it, haha. Instead he just said hi.

The vineyard concert.

Ryker rolling.

Reagan and our friend Armando!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ryker's Birthday Party and Mom and son fun days

Remote control Monster truck!

Scratch n Sniff Tshirts! They stink!

Ryker and Diego!

You talking to me?

Jumping off the diving board with a tube is sooo much cooler!

Check it out!

So happy!