Courtney's Corner

Friday, January 20, 2012

37 weeks. 17 days to go!

 We went Monday for an ultrasound and baby Brenna Kenzie is perfect!! She is weighing in at six pounds.  I am predicting a 7 to 7.5lb baby girl in the next 17 days!!
I have hit a bit of a wall in that I am ready to have my body back, meet my little girl, and terrified at the same time that I only have two weeks to get everything done, cleaned, and ready.
I get to go for a pregnancy massage tomorrow (much needed) and am hoping that will help me relax and just get through the next 17 days!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

35 weeks and counting! 27 days or less to go!

Ok so I am 35 weeks and three days. We will be inducing on Feb 6th unless she makes her debut early (hoping not)! Ultrasound next week to estimate size. Can't wait!
I've gained 23 lbs so far. Not bad and a far cry from my 40 with Reagan! Just maybe I'll have a baby under eight pounds this time!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Random & Christmas photos

I am hoping this finds all of you happy from the holidays! We had a nice quiet Christmas and new years. Good thing too since things are about to get extremely busy in less than five weeks with the impending arrival of our new baby girl, Brennan Kenzie on February 6th!
Here ate a few photos of the kiddos, taken with my new toy - an iPad 2!